[Japan] Masks delivered to 136 medical and welfare organizations in Japan in response to the Coronavirus outbreak
The new coronavirus outbreak has spread not only in China, but has also spread throughout the world including Japan.
In response to the spread of the infection in Japan, on the 21st of February, ARROWS made the decision to distribute stockpiled masks. On the 25th, 170,000 masks were shipped to medical institutions around the country. The destination of these supplies were not only medical institutions that have signed disaster cooperation agreements but also 136 medical and welfare organization that applied for supplies via our homepage. In addition to large general hospitals, supplies were also sent to small hospitals and nursing care facilities accepting a large number of people in need.

“We were beginning to have to consider reducing our medical activities because of the lack of supplies “
“Our hospital has many elderly patients in our care and we are taking careful measures to prevent infection every day.”
“Masks were about to run out in our facility but when new supplies arrived, it cheered me up”
We have received many words of gratitude from the staff of medical institutions that have received supplies. However, as the infection continues to spread, ARROWS will continue to assess and take the necessary measures to reduce the spread of the outbreak.

The masks distributed this time were part of a stockpile in Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture and included children’s masks.
Our emergency efforts are supported by the donations of our patrons. We look forward to your continued support.
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Account number:00160-3-179641
Account name:特定非営利活動法人ピースウィンズ・ジャパン
Communication column:Please write「ARROWS支援」
■Donation through bank transfer
Mitsui Sumitomo Bank Aoyama branch
Account number:Normal account 1671932
Account name: 特定非営利活動法人 ピース ウィンズ・ジャパン広報口
Peacewinds Japan (PWJ) is a non-profit organization approved by the Hiroshima Prefecture as an “certified NPO” in December 2014. As a result, donations to PWJ will be eligible for donation deductions. For more information, please refer to Donation Deduction (Certified NPO).
※※Up to 15% of donations will be used as operating expenses (office management and operation costs, expenses for research and recommendation activities, etc.). If this relief activity is terminated, any additional donations will be used to prepare for future rescue and emergency assistance