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(Beware of scams) Please be careful about inquiries or orders claiming to be Peace Winds.

We have recently become aware of fraudulent activities targeting Peace Winds Japan and falsely using the name of our non-existent Togo office. Several cases of fake orders for products have been placed with companies in Turkey, India, and Kenya under the name of our Togo office, using email addresses such as and, which do not belong to any entity of Peace Winds Japan.

We would like to stress that Peace Winds Japan does NOT have an office in Togo, and any orders or inquiries claiming to be from the Togo office Peace Winds Japan should be considered fraudulent. Peace Winds Japan takes these matters very seriously and is investigating them to prevent further fraudulent activity.

It would be highly appreciated if you could kindly report to us when you receive any communication purportedly from Peace Winds Japan’s Togo Office.

When you are in any doubt of emails and requests claiming to be from Peace Winds Japan, please contact us directly to verify their authenticity.

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  • (Beware of scams) Please be careful about inquiries or orders claiming to be Peace Winds.