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[Palau] We Conducted Medical Checkups in the Southwestern Islands!

From February 10 to 16, 2025, Peace Winds Japan conducted health checkups aimed at the early detection of lifestyle-related diseases in the southwestern islands of Palau. The southwestern islands are located about 600 km from the capital, Koror, and take up to 38 hours or more by boat to reach. Among the various remote islands, this time we conducted mobile checkups on Sonsorol Island, Pulo Anna Island, Tobik Island, and for the first time, on the Helen Atoll.

Departure from the Capital, Koror

Why Are Health Screenings Necessary?

In Palau’s outer islands, medical facilities are scarce. The southwestern islands where screenings were conducted lack doctors and nurses, making access to immediate care difficult. For people with conditions like hypertension and diabetes, even getting medication is a challenge. Therefore, islanders must rely on themselves to protect their health.

Peace Winds Japan has been working with Palau’s Ministry of Health for three years to provide screenings across the country, including the outer islands. These screenings help detect illnesses early, prevent lifestyle diseases, and ensure that medications are available to those in need. The screenings include:

– Why Are Health Screenings Necessary?
– Measurement of weight, height, and waist circumference
– Blood pressure measurement
– Urine tests
– Blood sugar (HbA1c) measurement
– Medical consultations
– Additional tests like blood work, ultrasound, and EKG as needed

KENSING Vessel and Health Screenings in the Southwest Islands

Health screenings in the Southwest Islands were first conducted in April 2023 using the KENSING I, a vessel managed by Peace Winds Japan. For this second round of screenings, we used the newly arrived KENSING II from Japan. Although screenings were initially planned for April 2024, they had to be canceled due to ship troubles. This made the current mission especially meaningful for our Peace Winds team, as we were determined to complete what we couldn’t the previous year.

This time, our medical team included one doctor, two nurses, and one coordinator from Peace Winds, along with three nursing students from Palau Community College (PCC). We prioritize not only providing medical care but also training local healthcare workers and students.

On four islands, 45 residents—over 90% of the eligible population—received screenings. Many remembered the previous screening from two years ago and carefully brought along their Health Passport, a booklet recording their results. One islander jokingly said, “Now I have a passport to see Japanese doctors too! I feel safe!” Many expressed their deep gratitude for us traveling so far to reach them.

Challenges on Tobi Island: Limited Access to Medication and Health Risks

Tobi Island lacks resident doctors or nurses, and with few ships arriving regularly, access to medication is extremely limited. One patient, despite being on treatment for high blood pressure, was forced to stop taking medication for two months. As a result, their blood pressure reached dangerous levels, significantly increasing their risk of heart attack or stroke. Peace Winds is working closely with the local health ministry to ensure a steady supply of medication reaches those in need.

Preventing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) also requires lifestyle changes. When we spoke with islanders, we found that many estimate the amount of sugar and salt they use in cooking by eye. To raise awareness, we conducted a quiz on the sugar and salt content in juices and processed foods. We then encouraged residents to measure their sugar and salt intake with spoons while cooking to gain better control over their diet.

Tobi Island: A scene of awareness-raising activities

First Medical Checkup on Helen Reef

For the first time, Peace Winds conducted a medical checkup on Helen Reef, a tiny atoll small enough to walk around in just 10 minutes. The island is home to a group of maritime security officers responsible for responding to marine accidents.

One female officer stationed there shared insights into their daily life:
“We collect rainwater for drinking and receive supplies by boat every three months. However, bad weather sometimes prevents us from securing enough water or receiving necessary provisions. Despite these challenges, I take pride in working for Palau and find it deeply fulfilling.”

Peace Winds’ visit provided essential health screenings and strengthened support for those living and working in such remote conditions.

One woman was found to have a high HbA1c level (a key diabetes indicator) during the check-up and was referred to the national hospital. She said, “I never thought my blood sugar was high. I’m glad I got to hear the doctor’s advice. Thank you for coming all the way here.” This was one case where early detection and treatment, the purpose of these check-ups, were achieved.

Even across the four islands, there were fewer than 50 residents. Reaching them required significant funding, effort, and mental strength (many suffered from seasickness). However, seeing the relieved smiles of residents reassured by a clean bill of health from their urine tests made the journey truly worthwhile.

Helen Reef made of white sandy beaches

One woman was found to have a high HbA1c level (a key diabetes indicator) during the check-up and was referred to the national hospital. She said, “I never thought my blood sugar was high. I’m glad I got to hear the doctor’s advice. Thank you for coming all the way here.” This was one case where early detection and treatment, the purpose of these check-ups, were achieved.

Even across the four islands, there were fewer than 50 residents. Reaching them required significant funding, effort, and mental strength (many suffered from seasickness). However, seeing the relieved smiles of residents reassured by a clean bill of health from their urine tests made the journey truly worthwhile.

Coast Guard officers and PW staff

The island residents warmly welcomed us and expressed their gratitude for the health checkups. Despite the bad weather, many came for the screenings, showing their strong interest in maintaining their health. Peace Winds will continue conducting medical checkups on Palau’s remote islands to support the residents’ well-being. To sustain this initiative, we need your support. We sincerely appreciate your continued cooperation.

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